
Ombrukskartlegging veiledning

Early access to information about the building materials and building components is essential for a well managed refurbishment project.

That is part of the core business of Again X : early access to information, therefore we have to say that we are really happy to see that DIBK (The Norwegian Building Authorithy) thinks alike and from 01.of August 2023 has become a requirement for every refurbishment or demolishong project in Norway, namley to do a mapping of the reusability potential of every building project.

For us in Again X, that means that we just continue the work we have done before, only that now the market has been legaly defined, and we do not need to say why we are doing what we have always done.

Get in touch to find out how we can help you get a faster understanding of your builidng portfolio, and also fulfill the legal requirements.

#AI #driven. #Experience framed #Sustainability focused


A seasoned cross disciplinarity and systems enthusiast, 20+ years of sustainability practice, Circular Economy Expert & AI driven @ AGAIN X

Deja-Vu and carbon